My best solution

Solution 1, I will look for fun places to visit in Europe. 1 23

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First idea

My first idea

My first solution, My second solution

trick jake, buy one, find a wizard

swedrfghj, fghjk, ghjkl;

swedrfghj, fghjk

Move away from david, Go straight home after school

wertyu, eeeeeeeeeeeee, ertyuik

wertyu, eeeeeeeeeeeee, ertyuik

tgggggggg, ggggggg, gggggggggggg


1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3

Get a bus pass, I will wake up early to catch the school bus, I will walk to school with my older sibling

Solution, I will write my goal on colorful paper., I can draw a picture of my goal.

be awesome!, stylin' and profilin'

Pack a bag, Buy a ticket, travel to Europe, I can watch shows about Europe to see cool places.

My best solution